Ross engineering services is proudly partnering with construction safety week 18 #CIFSafety18

2018 | ROSS News

Ross engineering services are extremely proud to partner with Construction Safety Week 2018. #CIFSafety2018

Throughout CSW18 Ross will hold the following …

Daily tool box talks linking in with CIF safety themes

  • Working Safely at heights
  • Positive Mental Wellbeing –Ross are rolling out our Employee Assistance Programme
  • Working Safely near existing services
  • Working Safely with Hazardous substances & the Importance of PPE
  • Drive Safe – Specifically MEWPs & on site vehicles

Health checks for employees have been organised and will be completed by the end of CSW18

New Safety Forman Checklists implemented during CSW18

‘Ross crew member of the month’ as voted by the employees will go to the most safety conscientious crew member

We will be involved in the daily awareness campaign through social media on the importance of Construction Safety #CIFSafety18
– Use of our Safety Slogan ‘Expect the unexpected, know your risks’

Daily Safety E-zine issued to all employees on the Safety Topic of the day & CIF poster

For more information see